Briva Health, Hodan Guled
Briva Health is now an official MNsure partner. The organization has 16 staff members with more than 40 years of combined experience in healthcare, case management, community outreach, and more.
When she participated in a local SCORE workshop, Guled says she was “very impressed with the material covered at the training and the expertise of the mentors.” She thereafter requested a SCORE mentor and was paired with mentor Rick Barkley.
“Rick Barkley … has become my go-to person for many of my business decisions as a CEO,” says Guled. “He has been extremely valuable in guiding me through tough business decisions and helping me resolve operational issues."
In 2016, when Guled and her team were considering adopting a client management system, Guled reached out to Barkley for guidance. Barkley talked her through the decision-making process and introduced Guled to other SCORE mentors with expertise in client management systems. Ultimately, Guled says, they were able to narrow down the best system for Briva Health’s needs.
“This system has significantly improved our efficiency and processes," says Guled. “It was truly the best decision our business has made in the last several years.
For others interested in starting their own businesses, Guled advises: “Find your best niche and something you are passionate about and stick with it.”
In 2012, entrepreneur Hodan Guled launched Briva Health as a cultural competency training service for healthcare providers serving the local Somali community. Her business has since grown to assist more than 20,000 Minnesotans a year with obtaining health insurance and navigating the healthcare system.